Fog Delay Info CTEC Parents and StudentsIn the event that Lakeside School District calls a fog delay, there will not be any AM session buses bringing students to CTEC that day. The AM session will still begin at 7:30 for the students who are able to get to school safely and students who were not able to get to school safely will have their absence cleared. Buses will still arrive at the end of the AM session to transport students back to their homeschool that need a ride. See the attachment for more info.
Honoring the Heroes of September 11th This event is a tribute to the heroic efforts of the first responders who bravely climbed 110 stories, or 2,200 steps, to save lives during the tragic events at the World Trade Center.
Highlights from the 14th Annual PEAAK Awards Celebrating CTEC's Triumphs: Highlights from the 14th Annual PEAAK Awards
ROC CTEC Students Win Medals at the 57th SkillsUSA State Leadership & Skills Conference California career and technical education students from ROC CTEC brought home 26 medals from the 57th State Leadership & Skills Conference.