
UPDATED: Mobile App Students Place in Entrepreneurship Contest

Team members worked during class and after school under the supervision of Mobile Apps instructor Walter Suazo. Team members worked during class and after school, Suazo said. They checked out laptops to work on a night, networking and delegating and problem-solving in order to finish the project in under two months.
To learn more about the Mobile Apps program, CLICK HERE. Current high school sophomores and juniors may also enroll in next year's program from this link.
For the full story on this community-wide competition in which our high school students are holding their own against established programmers and businesspeople, click on the link below.
UPDATE: We are pleased to announce that Athleta not only placed in the Top 3 ($2500 award), but also won the People's Choice ($1000 award). Pictured giving their pitch at their booth, on stage giving their presentation, receiving their award from local businessman Morgan Clayton, and with both honorary checks and Mayor Goh.