Welcome to the SkillsUSA Kern High Chapter
SkillsUSA is a national membership association serving over 330,000 high school, college and middle school students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations.
The Bakersfield chapter housed at the Regional Occupational Center (ROC) & the Career Technical Education Center (CTEC) consists of over 400 high school juniors and seniors from throughout Bakersfield (as well as Arvin and Shafter High).
Likewise, on the local level, our business partners are instrumental to our continued operation.
We are seeking local sponsors at all levels for every academic school year. Please explore the sponsorship opportunities we've assembled in the PDF link. We welcome your inquiry, would be honored to have you tour both of our Career Tech education facilities, and look forward to counting you and your business as supporters of tomorrow's workforce.
Erin Hodson
KHSD Work-based Learning Coordinator
501 S. Mt. Vernon Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93307
(661) 396-4430

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