Programs » Evening Law Enforcement » Evening Law Enforcement

Evening Law Enforcement

Location: Regional Occupational Center


Fee: No cost to high school students; $1,700 for adults.


Law EnforcementLearn about the variety of careers available in law enforcement and start developing the skills necessary to pursue those different career options. Both classroom instruction and physical fitness are essential components of this course. Certification and college credit opportunities are available in this program.


About the Teacher:

Brent Hughes is a graduate of Coleman College, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Science. He has been an officer with the Kern County Probation Department since 1995. He has previously served as Group Counselor at Juvenile Hall, Probation Officer working in Juvenile Investigations as a Juvenile School Resource Officer, Adult Supervision, and retired in the spring of 2024 as the Supervisor of the Special Services Team.  


Teacher Email

Dual Enrolled classThe fall semester of this program offers 3-units of BC credit to all students (CRIM B1) and 10-units of KHSD credit to current high school students.