At the halftime of the Frontier vs Centennial Varsity football game, in a salute to the Honor Flight Veterans who recently returned from their flight to DC, ROC's Construction Trades students who are also SkillsUSA Kern High chapter members, were recognized for their efforts in producing a display spelling out "HEROES" to be used in the Veterans Day parade. Additionally, it was revealed to all in attendance, including Mr. Wright, that funds had been raised to send him, his two brothers and their father on an upcoming Honors Flight.
"There are seldom times that I am blindsided. I like to think I keep my head on a swivel and can see the field ahead of me fairly well with plenty of time to pivot and maneuver, if need be. Thursday night, that was not the case. Due to the generosity of many, my father (Vietnam veteran), my two brothers, and myself, were presented with a gift far more valuable than money or personal belongings could ever account for.
Thursday night, a handful of my students were able to share with me what it feels like to be honored. I want to thank everyone who contributed to creating a moment that will resonate with my family, my students and myself. I am honored to be acquainted with a collection of people who I hold in high regard."
- Chad Wright, Construction Trades Instructor
Honor is defined in multiple ways. Honor is an adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct. Although imperfect at times, Mr. Wright feels this definition adequately sums up one of the primary functions as instructors. Instructor's examples to students will live beyond their years, so why not make them honorable.
ROC's Construction Trades students were recognized for their efforts in producing a display spelling out "HEROES" to be used in the Veterans Day parade.Â