
CTEC Film Students Honored at PEAAK Awards

The Kern High School District PEAAK Awards is an annual event that Promotes Excellence in Activities and Athletics. It’s an opportunity for Student Support Services to honor a wide variety of student success, in categories ranging from Greatest Comeback, to Best Male/Female Athlete, to Best In Art. This year, four video projects from the Video Production program at CTEC were named as finalists in two separate PEAAK Award categories: Best Editing in Video/Film and Best in Film/Video. The AM class was recognized in the Best Editing category for their work in “Construction Trades: Building the Future” and an original music video titled “Happier Than Me.” They were also finalists in the Best in Film/Video category, for the short film “Re-Tying the Knot.”

A crew for the PM class was nominated in the Best in Film/Video category for a clever short film titled, “Humdrum”, which went on to receive top honors and the PEAAK Award for Best in Film.

“ The short film ’Humdrum’ showcased this team’s technical expertise, as well as their creativity”, said Lisa Krch, CTEC Video Production Instructor, “they were genuinely surprised and excited for this honor!”

Those thoughts were echoed by Humdrum actor, Colin Uzih who played the main role of Bradly in the film. “We worked under some tight deadlines and the biggest lesson was that communication is key, especially on bigger projects like this,” he said.

The team consisted of Colin Uzih, Jose Acosta, and Boyd Flannigan, who was on hand to accept the award.

The PEAAK Awards ceremony is held each year at Harvey Auditorium on the campus of Bakersfield High School and is a production of Student Supports Services and the Kern High Network.

You can view the PEAAK Award winning short film here: