
ROC Students Honored During Annual PEAAK Awards

Regional Occupational Center (ROC) students and staff had an excellent showing, taking home a total of four PEAAK Awards. Erubiel Monterrosa Romero won in the “Best in Film/Video” and “Best in Photography” categories. Erubiel was an exceptional student who excelled in both the Video Production and the Mobile Apps Development programs at ROC, and he is currently running his own successful media company.

The PEAAK Award for “Best in Editing in Video/Film” was won by AJ Rizer, a standout Video Production student at ROC who is taking her love of cinema to Columbia College Hollywood, where she will pursue a career in the entertainment industry.

The Regional Occupational Center SkillsUSA Chapter was also honored with the award for “Best Public Event or Competition”. ROC was recognized for hosting the Regional SkillsUSA Competition in February. This incredible event brought 1,600 students from Central California and hundreds of community judges and volunteers to campus. Students from ROC organized, volunteered, and competed in this daylong competition, showcasing their career skills. 

This was the 10th year the KHSD Office of School Support Services presented the PEAAK Awards. The virtual ceremony was held July 1, 2020 and is still available for viewing on demand at