Law Enforcement Careers Explored at ROC

By Andrew Deck, Small Business Entrepreneurship

Bakersfield, CA - The Regional Occupational Center provides many courses for high school students to get the upper hand in learning about potential career choice. The Law Enforcement program is great choice for students who want to learn about not only the police force but also valuable life lessons from an experienced instructor.

The law enforcement program teaches students what it takes to become part of a police force as well as the self-discipline needed in life. There is required daily physical training (PT) to help prepare the students for the rigors of police training in the future. The mind is also challenged, as this class teaches students how to take reports, handcuffing, officer safety, administering constitutional rights, and many more topics.

The law enforcement classroom has a good environment and the students are comfortable around each other. There is a lot of communication throughout the class and everyone works as a team. There is also a lot of in-depth discussions about the topics presented.

The teacher, Mr. Mosley, himself a retired police detective, has a good relationship with his students. He says he loves to teach them because his students are there to learn and he doesn't feel like he is forcing the education on them.

This program provides the learning tools and lessons that students will rely upon for years to come, even if they opt for a career outside of the military or law enforcement. Still, for those students who dream of a future in those careers, they are off to an amazing start.