Programs » Student Organizations » Student Organizations

Student Organizations

Take your ROC/CTEC experience to the next level!

Get involved in Student Ambassadors (ASB) and Student Organizations (CTSO's)


Student Ambassadors

WHO: One student from each Program and one alternate (AM & PM)
WHAT: Serve the program and school as a student leader
WHEN: During the year at ROC/CTEC
HOW: Ambassadors play a very important role on our campuses every year. They represent our school in a professional manner and serve as leaders to our school and programs.

We are looking for students who are .....

  • Willing to serve 
  • Conscientious & trustworthy
  • Friendly and able to communicate
  • Willing to participate and learn
  • Willing to attend every meeting
  • Willing to represent their program at school wide activities              


  • Develop valuable leadership skills 
  • Add ROC/CTEC Ambassador to resume
  • Help guide school culture & community
  • Community service opportunities

Career Tech Student Organizations (CTSO)

CTSO's are designed to enhance career and technical education programs by providing career and leadership development through peer interactions, adult mentoring, and contests and competitions based on knowledge and skills learned in the classroom. CTSOs are not clubs, they are co-curricular organizations through which classroom instruction is tied directly to CTSO activities. On the ROC & CTEC campuses, students can join SkillsUSA. On the ROC campus, students in the Ag/Diesel and Livestock Management program can participate in FFA.

CTEC Kindness Club

   SkillsUSA website